America's Most Gorgeous College Campuses?

America's Most Gorgeous College Campuses?

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Prospective students and their families are not the only people drawn to America's most picturesque college campuses. Travelers go to these magnificent establishments to dordle take in their finely maintained lawns, breathtaking architecture, and notable monuments. This list includes 25 of the most stunning schools and institutions in the nation, ranging from resort-style campuses in Florida to Gothic universities in the Northeast with European influences.

Stanford University in California

Among all the stunning college campuses, Stanford's 8,180-acre campus has maybe the most impressive entrance: The Main Quad, which is a large green oval encircled by red-roofed buildings and Memorial Church, the campus's most notable architectural feature with its eye-catching mosaic façade, is reached after a mile of tree-lined Palm Drive. The Cantor Arts Center is home to one of the greatest collections of Auguste Rodin's 170 bronzes outside of Paris. On a clear day, the view of the university and San Francisco is the greatest.

Georgia's Berry College

This little institution in Mount Berry, Georgia, has set a high record: with almost 27,000 acres of farmland, lakes, woods, and mountains, it is the biggest continuous college campus in the world. With many reflecting ponds and fountains positioned next to its stunning English Gothic-inspired structures, such as the Ford Dining Hall, Ford Auditorium, and Mary Hall—all made possible by Henry Ford, the school's major benefactor—Berry makes excellent use of its surroundings.

The dazzling golden dome of Notre Dame's Main Building and the Neo-Gothic Basilica of the Sacred Heart, which characterize this 1842 Catholic institution, are difficult to overlook. The campus is full of verdant quads where students gather to relax when they're not in class or at the football stadium, in addition to its stunning architecture.

Florida Southern College

You may be shocked to hear that the greatest collection of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings in the world is located in Florida Southern, on a hillside above Lake Hollingsworth in Lakeland, Florida. Among these structures is the Annie Pfeiffer Chapel, which has a wrought-iron tower and colorful glass pieces. In 2012, Wright himself referred to it as the "first uniquely American campus" and it was designated as a National Historic Landmark.

Many stunning university campuses combine several architectural styles, but the University of San Diego has opted to focus on Spanish Renaissance architecture, which has ornate façades, intricate ironwork, and intricate wood carvings. Seaside vistas and courtyards surrounded by palm trees further heighten the allure of this campus paradise. One of the campus's many photogenic sights is the Immaculata Chapel, which is visible from most parts of the city thanks to its striking blue dome and solid bronze front door.

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